Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Orange, just how shit can you actually get?

How absolutely shit can the above company get?

Run by a bunch of fucking idiots who seem to be clueless as to what's going on around them. Orange, you are wasting resources, time, effort and customers with practises that are more in line with Dickens than the 21st century.

I've been with Orange for 9 years and never had a bad word to say against them, until now. Not only will they not let me change my phone (even though my personal situation has changed massively and I wanted to give them more money, lots more money) but they've now stiffed me for massive roaming costs, even though I couldn't use my phone properly abroad.

On top of that, I reach the customer service department (how about looking up the phrase Customer Service and finding out exactly what it means you donuts!) who have been utterly useless - where did you get these people from?, the fallout of the banking industry? - In fact, they've been worse than useless because they have proven to me that Orange don't give a shit about loyal customers.

So here it is Orange, you have lost me and countless others with your behaviour. I'm leaving and when I exit your shit arse customer services team are going to get the works from me. I wouldn't feel a twinge of guilt if you go under before the end of the year.

Well done France Telecom for ruining a perfectly good company, a sterling job done all round.

Here's to your demise.

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