Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Manchester News

Just because it's funny, nothing else.

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Crazy Landscape

By Neal Coghlan whom I met at the D&AD new blood at Earls Court.

This is just a beautiful piece of work - asthetically pleasing and commercial too as it could easily be associated with any number of worthwhile causes or campaigns.

His other work is also well worth checking out.

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Extendable shoes.....

Now I don't have kids, but this design is genius.

I remember as a child having the trainers I loved being either given away or thrown out (depending on the wear and tear) Now I know I shouldn't get sentimental about trainers but I was only about 6 and it was quite strange that after seeing this site, those memories were brought back.

Does Adidas have help line - I think I need to have this out with them.

Monday, 9 June 2008

The Crusader

The Crusader - a very funny short film - these guys, Neil Carter and Gerard Monaco should do very well.

If there are any art loving people out there willing to support this kind of work then please get in touch with me and we can discuss.

I for one will be backing their success.

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Ad's......they're easy to make, just watch.

As the sun is shining and we are nearing Cannes - bikini's, dresses, linen suits and ego's being packed in unequal proportions, this little snippet will give you an insight into the trials and tribulations of life as a Director.

Next week I'll be showing you creative and production teams beating on client services for over promising timescales to clients.